Positive Change or Your Money Back

I am well aware many of us think Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis does not work, that it's rubbish, a waste of time, a charade, not real, fake etc…

I am NOT here to tell you Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis is very effective for positive change. Because if you are so convinced it doesn't work, we have nothing to talk about, and it won’t work for you. Because what you say to yourself becomes your reality. You’ve effectively hypnotised/conditioned yourself to believe that.

Please leave my website now and have a wonderful, exciting and empowered day.


I am so confident in the process I now use. You will get results.

I am also completely confident in YOUR abilities to accept positive change, should you choose too.


I am offering a no quibble money back gaurantee if you do not achieve “success”.

Welcome to your new personal positive change programme.

The gaurantee

To be accepted on my money gaurantee programme, there are specific criteria that must be met. Should you deviate from your agreed coaching programme in any way, you will then forfeit any return on your investment.

This naturally means, by fullfilling all the requirements of your agreed personal positive change programme, you don't achieve success as defined in your success statement. You will have returned to you, your investment in full and can keep all audios/materials recieved.

I will ask you to be truthful and honest in all interactions as I will be with you.

The personal positive change programme

By following your personal change programme you will achieve success.

You will;

1. Be available for regular coaching calls as agreed in your coaching plan.

2. Download and listen to regular specific hypnotic audios as agreed in your coaching plan.

3. Carry out confidence building tasks as agreed in your coaching plan.

4. Define in a written signed statement what exactly "Success" means to you.

Examples are: Weighloss: By the 1st March I will be a size 14.

Quit Smoking: By the 1st March I will be a permanent ex-smoker.

Alcoholic: By the 1st March I am alcohol free.

Spider Phobia: By the 1st March I am happy to hold a spider in my hand.

Social Phobia: By the 1st March I find it easy to start conversations with strangers.

Golf Improvement: By the 1st March my handicap has improved by 4 points.

Best man speech: By the 1st March I will do my best man speech with supreme confidence.

5. You are not taking any medication/drugs whether prescribed or not prescribed that are known to hinder your successful completion of your goal.

An example would be; Taking steroids whilst embarking on a weight loss programme.

6. Follow your new personal positive change programme with enthusiasm and commitment.

7. Upon reaching your goal, I will ask you to post an honest review on Google.

By investing in you, you can change. Your investment for your gauranteed positive change will be £260 payable on first session.

Please ask any questions you may have in the comments below. I am happy to help, or contact me here.

The Many Parts of The Awesome You

Would you consider the idea; you have many parts. I am not talking of that body you possess, your arms and legs etc; I am talking of that thought that challenges your status quo. We talked about the ego in a previous chapter, ego can be defined as self-image; the way you see yourself. You could imagine all your “parts” are in the same room; there is a part of you saying positive change is easy; a part of you saying change is hard; a part saying positive change is exciting; a part saying positive change is really scary. A part says “I am awesome”; a part saying “I am weak”.

There is an entire concept of positive remedial change called “parts therapy”. Parts therapy is a metaphor to explain the internal conflict we all experience when trying to do something new. Because we have a conscious, analytical mind; using this concept becomes easy to “picture” in your mind, the “part” that is seeking resolution. Because ultimately you won’t change until you deal with the unhelpful part of you. This is something my clients relate to; sitting with a weight-loss client. She may say something like “I love donuts, I just eat them all the time, but I want to lose weight”. So we have a clear conflict of “parts”. One part saying; eat donuts and the other saying; don’t eat donuts. Conflict of parts can be on draining on personal resources; tiring both physically and mentally. By understanding your conflicting “part” you can begin to resolve the internal battle taking place, usually at a subconscious level.

More examples of conflicting “parts:

  • “I want to start that business, but I might fail, what will my friends say”

  • “I want you to become fitter and healthier, but I have tried before and failed”

  • “I want to be more confident around people, but people don’t like me”

  • “I want to feel comfortable in my shoes, but I don’t feel good enough”

You have access to highly hypnotic audios that will change your life for the better. As you use them daily, your self-concept will become more positive. You will find you will attract more of the good stuff, you will find coping with the challenges of the day easier and easier. So just allow the awesome you to unfold in a way that feels right.

Brain Pain Retrain NOW

My second book is available now on Amazon, on how it's relatively easy to retrain your brain away from pain. Using some surprisingly easy techniques. I have used these techniques to help my wife to get off pain-relieving drugs. Doctors won't tell you this. The techniques can be utilised for the release of emotional pain, as well. You will have access to free hypnotic audios. Take control of your life, get off drugs and pain relief medication. With real case studies, be prepared to be amazed.

Get Brain Pain Retrain NOW - on Amazon.

Sleep Better in 21 Days

Check my new free e-book “Sleep Better in 21 Days” on Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk

Surely we all want to wake up after a good night’s sleep, feeling refreshed and energized?  

As you open your eyes, as you stretch and notice that deep breath of life filling your powerful lungs and feeling fantastic. Looking forward to a new exciting day, and experiencing the benefits of that wonderful body of yours.

Was that you this morning? If not, why not? Well, I personally think you deserve it, because you are much better than you think, whether you realize NOW or not. I trust, therefore, we are on the same page. So I would like to congratulate you, upon considering an investment in both time and money in your personal and mental wellbeing. By the way, this book comes with its own hypnotic audio pack to help you create that better blueprint for improved personal wellbeing.

Most people typically experience sleep problems as a result of hectic schedules, stress, or other external influences. But when these things happen on a regular basis and interrupt your daily life, these may point to a sleep disorder such as insomnia.

Sleep disorders can take a serious toll on your physical and mental health. Frequent sleep troubles can be a frustrating and devastating experience. It can have a negative impact on your ability to deal with the demands of a busy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, we can experience many stressors in our daily life, some real and some imagined, but surely that is part of living, is it not? We do have a choice though; to deal with these stressors, or allow the stressors to deal with us.

 “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. Albert Einstein

By looking at the subject of Better Sleep from an improved perspective, the outcome can only improve - cause and effect. Or put another way “If you look at something in a different way, the thing you look at changes”.

In certain cases, sleep disorders can be a warning sign of other mental or medical condition. Ignoring sleep disorders and issues may result in problems such as Anxiety, Depression, Weight gain, Memory issues, Impaired job performance, Strained relationships and even road accidents, to name but a few.

Medication or “magic pills” are usually the go-to remedy for sleep issues. I personally like to deal with the underlying cause in a more holistic style.

That’s why I created this book to help many more people who not only suffer from sleep disorders but also from other issues such as low self-esteem.

As a Qualified Hypnotherapist, I have genuinely tried to explain the fundamental concept and importance of sleep such as;

  • Symptoms of poor quality Sleep

  • Importance of sleep for your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being

  • How to train your mind to sleep faster, better and deeper using hypnosis

  • Fundamentals of the brain

  • Hypnosis and brain activity

  • Conscious and Subconscious mind

  • Reality of willpower

  • Sleep disorder therapy vs. medication

To complement this book, you also have access to your Free Hypnotic Audio pack, a vital ingredient to aid Better Sleep. Use your password included in the book to visit my website and download these audios to your device.

Your hypnotic audios are key to your success, without changing the way you think about sleep, your sleep won’t be improved. Have faith in your own inner abilities to make changes at an inner or subconscious level by listening regularly. You can make it happen!

This book with access to the accompanied audio pack will truly transform your life and help you achieve your desired goals around better sleep. 

Let optimism and gratefulness, rule your day.

How is hypnotherapy useful when dealing with fractures?

What we Know

So we know how a generally healthy body can and will heal itself from any fracture or disease and reset to a state of ease. Because this process is subconscious along with the healing of a cut, there are factors at play we are unaware of until we become aware.

A little biology

Fractures, once immobilised will knit together with the action of Chondroblasts  and Chondrocytes, Chondroblasts build and Chondroyctes maintain. The former being the immature cells with the later developing into maturity.

The Evidence

Research has proven that hypnotherapy is very useful in enhancing the recovery of bone fractures. With all processes of medical intervention replicated on a control group (no hypnotherapy) compared to the group undergoing hypnotherapy, recovery time increased by 41%.

Because of our understanding of the mind/body interaction, the process of enhancing the above process seems simple, through the delivery of positive imagery accepted at the unconscious level. So hypnotherapy can enhance the physiological healing process through psychological means.

The Neurobiology

It is just not the direct approach such as above, but also the effect produced by parasympathetic dominance. When in this state the body heals by allowing the excretion of feel-good chemicals such as Endorphins, Serotonin and the positive expectation neurotransmitter Dopamine. By employing hypnotherapy a win win situation is created. By the client allowing these subconscious processes to evolve, he can guarantee his own success.

Need a chat, contact me here.

Feel good in challenging times

As a qualified remedial hypnotist and life coach in Basingstoke, my job is to help my client feel good in challenging times. I help my client to become part of their own solution, I believe it’s all about personal empowerment. As I explain to my client regarding challenging times, it’s about maintaining a certain detachment from the challenge. So consider this concept too maybe help YOU to feel good in challenging times;

  1. You have a body but you are not your body.

  2. You have thoughts but you are not your thoughts.

  3. You have emotions but you are not your emotions.

  4. You have fears but you are not your fears.

It makes sense you are not your body because your body is constantly changing, if you were your body, Your body would never change. That would be weird.

It makes sense you are not your thoughts because your thoughts are constantly changing, if you were your thoughts, your thoughts would never change. That would be weird.

It makes sense you are not your emotions because your emotions are constantly changing, if you were your emotions, your emotions would never change. That would be weird.

It makes sense you are not your fears because your fears are constantly changing, if you were your fears, your fears would never change. That would be weird.

So what are you?


Just bear with me, try this question to yourself, the experiencer of the experience.




Empowered by this concept you can FEEL GOOD IN CHALLENGING TIMES. Because you choose the experience. You can actually choose to choose. You are in control of you.

Take control of the direction of your thoughts and behaviour, make them positive and productive.

Make that change without Hypnosis

Welcome to the first day of your life as you read my blog.

As a qualified hypnotherapist and mind coach in Basingstoke, I have noticed on occasion, I will get a client who is not keen on using hypnosis to get better or to improve. I say that is great, because now I have a system that works without hypnotherapy. I understand some people are not comfortable with relaxing into hypnosis, to make positive changes.

So my non hypno system incorporates all the benefits of hypnotherapy without actually going into hypnosis. You will be fully aware even with your eyes open if you wish as you make the changes you want.

So if have an issue that you feel may benefit from my services, why not book your consultation NOW.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

In or out of hypnosis make that permanent change NOW.

For more information to overcome your challenge just contact me Steve Thomas

It's much easier than you think.

It’s easy, let’s chat.

It’s easy, let’s chat.

Achieve yours goals with your own Basingstoke Mind Coach

So you have that issue to overcome, and it's been going on for a while. You have tried many times to make that personal change. It maybe seems the harder you try to improve, the more you remain stuck in your old unhelpful behaviour. You might have almost given hope completely and resigned yourself to the fact that, change is impossible and you are just "that sort of person". As a qualified Basingstoke Mind coach I can help you begin to see things in a more positive light.

Ok, take note. I am telling you "you can make that change".

I have had clients who for 30 years have had issues with overeating,  whom I have helped

I have had clients who for 40 years had issues with smoking whom I have helped to become ex-smokers.

I have had clients who for over 20 years had issues with anxiety, sometimes very deep seated. I have helped my clients to be much more happier, contented and relaxed in many more situations.

I have had clients who for many years, had fears with flying, spiders or crowds whom I have helped to put these fears behind them.

I have had clients whom want to excel at their chosen sport, to move to the next level, and they have.

I have had clients who want to earn more money whom I have helped by installing a new confidence in themselves. This has been by building a new or existing business, and helping them take it too the next level.

Are you ready NOW to take IT too the next level?

For more information to overcome your challenge just contact me Steve Thomas

It's much easier than you think.

Steve Thomas your Basingstoke mind coach

Steve Thomas your Basingstoke mind coach

Can Hypnotherapy help with Fibromyalgia

The medical proffession will tell you there is no known cure for Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is classified as an auto-immune disease, which means the body's defence systems attacks specific area from the inside.

Hypnotherapy through the use of metaphor and positive imagery, I believe can over time restore the immune system balance. Which will in turn reduce many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia such as elevated pain, extreme fatigue and trouble sleeping.

Because all bodily functions are run by the subconscious mind, that is the mind we are unaware of, hypnotherapy can help.

Come along for a free initial consultation to learn more.

For more information to overcome your challenge just contact me Steve Thomas

It's much easier than you think.

Help with Fibromyalgia is here

Help with Fibromyalgia is here

Easy short term fix for Anxiety sufferers in Basingstoke

We all get stressed and anxious from time to time, it’s just part of daily living, it is normal. Don’t feel bad about feeling bad, it’s ok. You cannot stop a thought appearing in your head, but you can decide to dwell on it or not. Naturally it is unhealthy to worry about things we cannot control, it is physically detrimental to your physical wellbeing to maintain that position. So what can you do to take back control and feel better. There are many techniques I teach my clients, depending what resonates with the individual. For the purpose of this blog I am going to take you through the SiBerian North RailRoad technique.

Notice the capitalised letters if you would in the SiBerian North RailRoad technique. Which are S.B.N.R.R.It is a mnemonic to help you remember.

So you have an emotional upset, namely; anger, fear, guilt, sorrow, frustration etc, you get the picture. So here we go.

  1. Stop

  2. Breathe

  3. Notice

  4. Reflect

  5. Respond

See how this works for you, you having nothing to lose. Good luck.

Not sure if hypnotherapy in Basingstoke is for your, no problem just download your Pure Relaxation Audio here and experience Hypnosis for Free.

If you are considering hypnosis to overcome a challenge you may have, just contact your local Basingstoke Hypnotist for a free initial consultation. 

Lose a stone in 8 weeks and keep it off without dieting


To lose a stone in 8 weeks and keep it off without dieting can be as simple as 1 2 3 4.

That's because I will show you what other people are doing to lose weight easier. I will show you with just 4 simple concepts, meaning you will Lose a stone in 8 weeks and keep it off without dieting.

You won't have to follow any diet, because diets don't work. When I say diets don’t work, don’t take my word for it, just look at the evidence. There seems a new diet at every turn, if they did work, there would be no more diets. I will help you create a much better relationship around food, dring and exercise. I will walk you through 4 easy to understand concepts that will change you life putting you in control of you.

So how can I help you to Lose a stone in 8 weeks and keep it off without dieting.

As a positive change behavioural change specialist, I will work with you personally to:

1. Establish the cause of your unhelpful relationship with food, drink and exercise.

2. Remove those unhelpful behaviours at the source.

3. Install new and productive behaviours around food, drink and exercise.

4. Monitor ongoing progress as you move closer and to your ideal weight and shape.

As you are maybe considering whether you are now in the right frame of mind and to make that decision to make a start at living the fit and healthy life you deserve. You can just contact me for a free no obligation chat or listen to my free Pure Relaxation Audio to check me out further.

So to lose a stone in 8 weeks and keep it off can be as simple as 1 2 3 4 but it does maybe require a slightly different perspective. I like one of Albert Einstein’s well known quotes, which is; “the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results”. So that means if you have struggled to lose weight in the past, why not take a fresh look, be open to new positive concepts that work, if that make sense.

I have a tried and tested programme in place that should you qualify for my time, you will lose a stone in 8 weeks and keep it off without dieting. I would love to explain the 1 2 3 4 process with you personally or on the phone.

Four healthy habits to help you stay sober in Basingstoke

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 40-60 percent of people in recovery will relapse. This is roughly in line with relapse rates for other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or asthma. Despite this fairly high relapse rate, addiction is considered a treatable disease, and researchers have identified many techniques that can help you on the path to recovery. Here are four healthy habits you can take up to improve your odds of success.

Exercise Regularly

Many studies show that a physical exercise routine can help people in recovery. Exercise works by undoing the damage that substance abuse can do to the body and brain. Very soon after you start an exercise routine, you start to see improvements in your fitness, general health, and appearance. This can help rebuild feelings of competence and self-confidence, things that substance abuse may have broken down.

But exercise also has a direct effect on withdrawal symptoms. It changes the brain in a way that reduces the strength of cravings, helping you to stay on track. Another benefit of exercise is that it reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. This is crucial because unpleasant emotions often play a role in relapse.

Eat Well


There is more to recovery than sobriety, although of course, that is the key aspect of it. Substance abuse can harm the body, both through direct, toxic effects of the substances and through the poor lifestyle choices that tend to go hand in hand with it. For example, substance abuse can cause deficiencies in nutrients, which increases the risk of various diseases. According to MedlinePlus, healthy eating is a crucial part of repairing this damage and can help prevent relapse, too. Try to stick to regular mealtimes and eat foods high in fibre. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Many people in recovery become dehydrated, so make sure you drink plenty of water.

Stay Connected

It’s normal to feel lonely when you’re in recovery because your previous social life has been completely removed. This loneliness can cause some people to seek out old friends, which can be a slippery slope back to old habits. The solution is to build new friendships. This is why group therapy is so useful—you’re forming new connections with people, supporting each other in building new, healthier habits. So make the most of these group sessions. Volunteer work, taking up a team sport, or starting a hobby you can do in a group setting are other good ideas. When you feel ready, recovery also enables you to rekindle old relationships with friends and family members, which may have been damaged in the past.

Practice Meditation

At its core, meditation is the practice of learning to control the mind. The goal is to hold your attention on your breathing or the sensations in the body and keep it there as long as you can. When your mind wanders, you notice this and bring it back to the object of awareness. Many studies show that this simple practice can help reduce the risk of relapse in recovery. A craving is like a magnet, pulling your thoughts, feelings, and actions in a certain direction. With meditation, you develop the strength to resist this pull and direct your thoughts and actions something else. Meditation is also an effective stress-reduction technique, so it will help keep your mind calm, peaceful, and relaxed.

Research has shown that people are more likely to recover from substance abuse if they attack the problem from several angles. This means going to counselling and group therapy sessions regularly, taking medication as advised, and taking up multiple self-care habits outside of formal treatment.

Should you need a little help with enjoying a healthy drink free life, and live in Basingstoke just call, it’s easier than you think.

For more information to overcome your challenge just contact me Steve Thomas

It's much easier than you think.

Article courtesy of  www.tuck.com

Need more help just contact me now.

Photo: Pixabay

How do you Know when you are hypnotised?

I have carried out many group hypnotic demonstrations in the Basingstoke area. The most recent talk I presented was at a local golf course. 

I explained the power of positive visualisation, and how it applies, in this context to golf improvement. I then ask my guests to actually carry out a simple routine that proves to them, it really works. Yes, they were amazed.

As a stage hypnotist, I think it is really important that my client/subject knows what hypnosis is and more importantly knows that they have actually been hypnotised. The easiest way for me to show this is to just do it.

So I will asked for a volunteer to come up and experience hypnosis, so the rest of the group could see first hand the true power of this phenomena. So I had my volunteer and I shall call him Dan, because that was his name. He entered hypnosis very quickly, I like doing it quickly as it's more fun. My favourite "things" I like to get my subject to do, is to forget something that they should absolutely know. I have found this goes down really well in my demonstrations.


So I had Dan forget his name, yes actually forget his name, no matter how hard he tried he could not recall his name. Naturally the audience were amazed, I then gave him a NEW name, which not surprisingly was a girls name, just to add even more hilarity into the show. To say my invited guests was gobsmacked was an understatement. We done other fun things as well, making it a really interesting and informative evening for all, including Dan. 

Not sure if hypnotherapy in Basingstoke is for your, no problem just download your Pure Relaxation Audio here and experience Hypnosis for Free.

If you are considering hypnosis to overcome a challenge you may have, just contact your local Basingstoke Hypnotist for a free initial consultation. 

Make extra cash NOW

Would extra cash be of interest to you, if so read on.

I am currently promoting my Hypnotherapy services in Basingstoke. I will give you £30 cash for each friend/family member who decides to use this therapy to help themselves make positive changes. You will receive your £30 when I receive full payment from the person you recommend. Please ensure your friend tells me your name and contact details, then I can get £30 to you.


Please note there will only be one payout of £30 for each full fee payment received by myself. That means a full paying client can only nominate one person to receive the £30 cash back. I trust that is clear. You can of coarse promote my services to as many friends as you wish, and earn much more than £30.

Why not tell them about my Free Pure Relaxation Audio here, and get the pounds rolling in for you.

This current offer may end at anytime at my discretion . So just like and share and of course add a comment.

Overcome your fear of spiders in Basingstoke

Spiders are on the move in Basingstoke, this is the time of year when the male spider leaves the web in search for a female mate. Anyone who has lived in Basingstoke for any amount of time will be aware Basingstoke spiders are really big.


I have helped many of my clients overcome phobias including the fear of spiders and flying. As I speak with my Basingstoke clients in my Hypnotherapy rooms, it truly amazes how an intelligent person whom appears to be extremely confident goes to "pieces" when coming across a spider or the thought of flying. I have had clients spend a large proportion of their time literally turning a room over, in search of the 8 legged fiends before they can fully relax. This person will have many responsibilities in life which are dealt with comparative ease, but when the "trigger" to be fearful fires, all confidence goes. Do you know someone who are a victim to their phobia, I do. These same people also believe they can never change, they believe they are a victim of their circumstances, a victim to their fears they feel powerless.


I don't argue with them or tell them, I use tried and tested techniques that will help them greatly reduce their fear of spiders or flying, sometimes in 1 session costing only £120. No, I don't even tell them how easy it is to overcome your fear of spiders in Basingstoke, and what's more it is actually a fun experience. I know this as my clients leave my Basingstoke hypnotherapy rooms smiling and so much more relaxed than when they came in.

Not sure if hypnotherapy in Basingstoke is for your, no problem just download your Pure Relaxation Audio here and experience Hypnosis for Free.

For more information to overcome your fear of spiders in Basingstoke, and other areas where Hypnotherapy can help with, just contact me Steve Thomas

It's much easier than you think.



Get better sleep in Basingstoke

As a qualified Hypnotherapist in Basingstoke, I often get asked questions like "how can I get better sleep" and when I wake during the night "how can I get back to sleep quickly". During these conversations it soon becomes clear my client is really trying hard to get to sleep, and the more he/she tries the harder it becomes.



At which point I say "yes, so the harder you try to sleep the harder it becomes", and he/she says yes.

I then usually pause briefly and allow for that "light bulb moment" to take place. If it does not, I then explain, now this is a big one. Psychologist have found; 


At this part of the conversation I get something like "ok smarty pants, how can I get to sleep without trying" and I say yes.

Moving on quickly, you must be drifting off through boredom by now. So don't TRY, it's a waste of time. The reason probably why you are having trouble sleeping is you are replaying your previous day thoughts and worrying about your forth coming day. 

So how to get better sleep

So I now suggest to my client. Go on a walk in your mind, I want you to see what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel. It can be somewhere you have been before or somewhere made up, like a beach, park or even walking around the shops if that relaxes you. Whatever "floats your boat", experience it and make it yours. Shops don't do it for me personally; open country "floats my boat". I want you to really get into the experience, what do you notice around you, is there bits that are close and some in the distance, are the images sharpe or something else, notice the colours, even the shades of colour, even the textures.

Notice the sounds, what direction are they coming from, behind/right or left/in front. Are some far away and some closer. What are you feeling, maybe your feet walking on the ground, is it soft or something else, is there a breeze if so, where do you notice it on your body, can you feel a warmth, is so where and is it moving.

The more you practice the better your sleep will become, and the better sleep you get, the better you will feel. Why not practice this when you have a spare 10 minutes during the day.

Not sure if hypnotherapy in Basingstoke is for your, no problem just download your Pure Relaxation Audio here and experience Hypnosis for Free.

So if you live in Basingstoke and want to know if Hypnotherapy can help with other issues such as weight loss, quitting smoking, overcoming anxiety issues, just contact myself Steve Thomas for a free chat, it's easy.


Need more help. Check out my new book Sleep Better in 21 Days on Amazon


Relax your way to weight loss in Basingstoke

Are you looking to lose weight in Basingstoke, if so read on, you have come to the right place.

Unfortunately the subject of personal body fat is weighing heavy on our nation. It has been reported recently that 1 in 11 deaths are linked to excess weight in the UK. As a nation we are the second heaviest in the world, only beaten by the USA as the most obese nation on the globe.

As a contrast, team GB are currently second in the Olympic medal table, with the USA on top. So we are number 2 in weight and number 2 in medals as I pen this blog. I find this position most contradictory, so I felt I needed to understand why this is the case. There are reasons of course why some people in Basingstoke find it difficult to lose weight and enjoy a much improved quality of life. These reasons include lack of motivation, emotional issues and the instinctive human desire of wanting the good stuff now. But according to my research the main reason why the UK is second in the global weight tables is the UK food industry. The UK food industry is bombarding us on a daily basis with temptation to eat large and to eat unhealthily, and I truly believe it is NOT YOUR FAULT. There are very clever well funded corporations convincing us or should I say hypnotising us to follow this most unhealthy path.

So now you understand it's probably NOT YOUR FAULT, are you ready to make changes NOW. Are you ready to take control of your thoughts, your actions and most importantly your behaviour. 

Relax your way to weight loss in Basingstoke

Relax your way to weight loss in Basingstoke

Recent studies have shown that relaxation can help with weight loss. so if you live in Basingstoke, you can experience my RELAX YOUR WAY TO WEIGHT LOSS classes. These are weekly sessions lasting one hour with a fee of £10 per person.

For more information feel free to contact me or call on 07880 726025

Smoking and the effects on others you care about

As a smoker in Basingstoke I ask you to consider the negative effect you will have on the people around you.

I write this blog to hopefully empower at least one person to get on the road to positive change. If that is achieved then I won't find the time it takes to pen my personal account a waste of time. So as you  read this and ask yourself why you can be bothered to make an effort, read on.

Someone very close and dear to me has many many health problems, I am not going to list these issues as that would be inappropriate. But I am prepared to a describe the effects of her health issues and how they affect her and the people around her. 

As an ex-smoker the damage has been done, the damage is irreparable. She quit smoking 6 years ago at the age of 49. She regrets starting smoking at the age of 14 every single day of life. She suffers every single day in a way I would not wish on my worst enemy. She as multiple conditions associated with the poisons she has "willingly" taken into her body in the belief she knew best. Bless her, her body is shot and suffers severe breathing problems on a daily basis with the anxiety that ensues. She needs constant support from family, friends and of course the NHS. The NHS have saved her life so many times I lose count, the number of over a hundred would not be an exaggeration. 

So enough about my experiences at the hands of a very unwell loved one. So let's say you are a smoker in Basingstoke reading this and you justify your habit by believing it only affects you.

Well my friend I am going to say something you won't like. Your habit will have a very negative effect on your family, your friends and be a very expensive demand on NHS resources. Trust I am a Hypnotherapist, look at the evidence around you if you dare to face the truth. But I am not telling you to make the change and to quit smoking here in Basingstoke, don't consider the benefits for me, don't even consider the benefits for you, because you may not care, or do you. I ask you please to consider the benefits of living a healthy life on a daily basis for your loved ones so they don't suffer themselves from your selfish actions. If you are lucky they will support you in your suffering because they care.

So don't be selfish, if not for you but for the people closest to you.


Is Hypnosis magic?

Hypnosis is not magic, but sometimes the effects can be magical. As a qualified Hypnotherapist based in Basingstoke I see the positive effects using this natural treatment everyday.

It really fascinates me how using words expressed in a specific way can help my clients move much more quickly in the directions of their goals, whether it is weight loss, quitting smoking or other issues that research has shown hypnotherapy can help with.

During my studies on the subject of the benefits of hypnosis over the years, I learnt that there is nothing new in this fantastic tool. Believe it or not Hypnosis was first used over 4000 years ago by the early Egyptians. The healing took place in sleep temples, a kind of hospital where patients were placed into a trance like state where many ailments both physical and psychological could be eased. The interesting thing is that there was no scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of Hypnosis at the time, like there is now. 

Of coarse anyone who as taken even a slightest interest in the positive brain changes that take place whilst in an altered state of consciousness will know about Positron emission tomography (PET SCAN). Subjects were hooked up to a PET scan and just asked to relax, then subjects were hooked up and hypnotised. What they discovered was different parts of the brain was active and inactive during both states when compared.

This means our  brains behave in a unique way whilst under hypnosis that is how positive changes can occur at a much deeper level. You can experience this for free, just go to my hypnotherapy 4 you download page

As I explain to my Basingstoke clients on a regular basis, to get full benefits from my Hypnotherapy, it is important to listen to your hypnotic recordings on a regular basis. How about thinking about it this way.

I am guessing you wash every day, I am also guessing you feed your body everyday. Well, why not feed your mind every single day, it's your most valuable asset. Feed your mind with positive helpful thoughts every day and you will find issues that surround you become much easier to handle.

Trust me I'm a Hypnotherapist, you know it makes sense. Need more help call me it's easy.

Hypnosis don't work according to John

Hypnosis don’t work according to John

I bumped into an old mate of mine called John recently, we got chatting as you do, and he asked me what I was up to these days. I said I was busy as a Hypnotherapist helping many of my clients overcoming their negative habits. He said “what quitting smoking and weight loss, that sort of thing”. Naturally I said yes, and found my Basingstoke clients very receptive to change even after our first session together. 

He said “Hypnosis don’t work”. Well I thought for about 2 milliseconds, then asked him if I was to explain briefly how and why Hypnosis works would that maybe of interest to you. After all you strike me as an intelligent person, I said.

So I was considering which of my many explanations I use daily to help my clients achieve great results from our hypnotherapy sessions. I could have gone with the:

 Computer analogy, you know, the one I explain on my website. This is when you consider, we have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind is like the desktop on your computer, and the subconscious mind is like the hard drive, the unseen powerhouse. Using Hypnosis that unseen powerhouse can be effectively re-programmed. 

Or as the intelligent individual he is, I could have gone with the neurobiology explanation which is of course:

Research has shown most if not all thoughts begin in the subconscious mind, or more specifically in the Limbic system, and of course thoughts lead to beliefs and beliefs lead to actions and behaviours. We are not aware of our unconscious thoughts until they become conscious when they reach our cerebral cortex. Therefore that means none of our thoughts are original, we just think they are. All are pre-programmed in the subconscious, the powerhouse of our brains. This is how hypnosis works because hypnotherapy deals with the subconscious. Most of our programming is useful, getting dressed, driving, reading, communicating............... You get the drift. But some programming may be unhelpful such as addictions such as overeating/smoking and phobias.

So I said to my mate John, “which explanations sit best with you in proving the effectiveness of hypnosis to overcome unhelpful habits”.

Not sure if hypnotherapy in Basingstoke is for your, no problem just download your Pure Relaxation Audio here and experience Hypnosis for Free.

Well I will leave that one with you. For more information just contact me, it’s easy.